We were Wild Once…
Deep gratitude for being here with me, underneath the Wolf Moon, as I authentically weave my words of rebellion, Womanhood, & plant medicine, together as one.
My name is Gaia Rose {although people just call me Gaia} a mixed European/Malay wild soul with her heart & hands rooted in the land {a little bit more about me can be found in ‘Gaia’s Roots’}. For quite sometime now i’ve wanted to birth my own online space of peace yet purpose, through this website of mine, for those who wish to take time to read/remember/return to that wild rebellious beauty within themselves & the plants, those who wish to break free from the corrupt systems, those who walk barefoot upon the dirt & find solace in the wildflowers, & those who feel more at home in nature than anywhere else.
So, let me start by asking a question for you/us to ponder on…
Where has our wild gone?
When I speak of our ‘wild’, I mean the primal, instinctual part of us that once lived more rooted in the land, tended to the earth, grew our own food, looked to the seasons, cycles, the moon & the stars, & her ever flowing elements for wisdom, truth, & spiritual teachings. When women were the healers, men were the hunters, & both worked together in harmony with natures way, using the medicine of the plants to guide us.
I believe that it’s because of this great disconnection that humanity has allowed to happen ~ with ourselves & with the Earth ~ is the reason why so many now struggle with mental traumas & unhealthy addictions more than ever before. Walking around lost, unsettled, broken, unsure of who we are/where we belong, & not realising if only we broke free from the many conditionings placed upon us since birth, that we would then begin to find the peace, the meaning, & the belonging our soul has been searching for.
If only we returned to the Earth.
Ok, we may not be fully in a position to reclaim this part of who we once were, but we can still reclaim it never the less. Every time we use our own intuition to guide us upon our path & navigate what/who feels true to us, every time we walk in faith instead of fear, every time we choose peace over pain, every time we question the controlled ‘narrative’, every time we stand in sovereignty, integrity, & courage, every time we speak up from our own hearts voice, & every time we take responsibility for our body ~ health, heart, soul ~ return to natures healing, harvest from the land, tend to our garden, or plant a seed of medicine/food & nurture it as it blossoms & grows, we are each reclaiming the most truest part of who we are & remembering the beauty of what being ‘wild’ truly means.
Truth is my darling, my own wild awakened self is not only breaking free from all which I once was too/the parts that were not serving me, but also slowly breaking free from the social platforms, {not entirely, just being more discerning were my precious time is spent} as I feel they have become just too consuming, restrictive in what we are allowed to express, & personally, utterly disconnecting for my soul.
As a deeply rebel woman with many wild words that go against the wider narrative, & also a mother/a woman who’s growing into her ‘wise woman phase’ that now needs to live a more simpler/private life as I no longer have the energy to keep up with the fast pace of how things have became with everyone craving to constantly be seen, I needed to recently take time out to really feel into how/where I can still create a beautifully authentic space for my own expression & for those who may wish to also share with myself {I encourage you to comment below} where I/we can really let go, be exactly who we are together, whilst continuing to do what I’m most passionate about ~ teaching/inspiring/reminding others of the beauty in rebellion, the wisdom in the ancestral medicine of the plants, & the liberation in returning to the natural healing of our great Mother Earth…
for she is where we find our truth, she is where we find our freedom, she is where we find our wild!
In peace & deep reverence,
Gaia x
See offerings for all ancestral plant medicines, poetry, & books. {Plant medicines are only available when in season}